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Sharpshooter Leafhoppers
(Hemiptera: Cicadellinae)
An Illustrated Checklist
Part 1: Old World Cicadellini
Hardcover - 232 pages - Full colour throughout
£50.00 (plus P & P)
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Many leafhoppers and planthoppers, and some psyllids, are important pests of crop plants, particularly because they are vectors of virus, bacteria and phytoplasma diseases. Around 200 species are already known to spread plant disease but many more are likely to be recognised. However, few comprehensive identification guides are available and details of pest species are mostly widely scattered in the specialist literature.
This project, funded by The Leverhulme Trust, aims provide a comprehensive and accessible guide to the leafhopper, planthopper and psyllid vectors of phytoplasma, bacteria and virus diseases.
Species accounts, which can also be downloaded as PDF datasheets (in preperation), include images of adult insects (and nymphs where available), taxonomic drawings of morphological features, and text on the biology and pest status of each species.
Each species account includes:
• Species Taxonomy
• Distribution
• Species Identification
• Biology & host plant interactions
• Pathogens & diseases transmitted
• Bibliography and references
The datasheets are aimed at both professional use as well as by workers in developing countries seeking to find accurate information on identification.
This work will directly assist in identification of known vector species but should also lead to more rapid progress in discovering further vector species.
This website does not include aphids and whiteflies, which are known as vectors of many plant viruses. Guides to the identification of aphids and whiteflies are already available elsewhere.
This project attempts to bring together knowledge of both phytoplasma, bacteria and virus disease with taxonomic details of the insect vectors and be available to both plant pathologists and entomologists.
Website Citation
This website should be cited as:
Wilson M. R. & Turner, J. A. 2010 Leafhopper, Planthopper and Psyllid Vectors of Plant Disease. Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales. Available online at http://naturalhistory.museumwales.ac.uk/Vectors.
[ Accessed:
Stuart McKamey (USDA, Washington)
Mick Webb (NMH, London)
Phyllis Weintraub
Daniel Burkhardt (Basel)
Roland Muhlethaler Berlin)
Manfred Asche & Hannelore Hoch (Berlin)
Phil Jones (Rothamsted, UK)
Yaima Aroche (CENSA, Cuba)
Xavier Foissac (INRA, France)
Domenico Bosca (Turin, Italy)
Website Development
The Leafhopper, Planthopper and Psyllid Vectors of Plant Disease website was designed and developed by James Turner - Department of Biodiversity & Systematic Biology, Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales.
Thanks are due to all who have assisted in the development of the website. The publication of the website would not be possible without their continued support:
Chris Owen - Web Manager, New Media, Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales
Dave Thorpe - Web & Intranet Developer, New Media, Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales
Graham Davies - Virtual Museum Curator, New Media, Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales
Jace Tyler - Senior Computer Officer (Networks), ICT, Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales
Rhidian Thomas - Senior Computer Officer (Servers), ICT, Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales
This website, including all data and images, is protected by copyright belonging to Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales. Neither text nor images can be downloaded for other than personal use without the written permission of the Museum. The Museum will vigorously pursue any illegal use of the contents of this website.