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  Taxon Superfamily Family
Arcopella balaustina (Linnaeus, 1758)
Tebble name: Tellina (Arcopagia) balaustina (Linnaeus)
Smith & Heppell: Arcopella balaustina (L., 1758)
Tellinoidea Tellinidae
Gastrana fragilis (Linnaeus, 1758)
Tebble name: Gastrana fragilis (Linnaeus)
Smith & Heppell: Gastrana fragilis (L., 1758)
Tellinoidea Tellinidae
Macoma balthica (Linnaeus, 1758)
Tebble name: Macoma balthica (Linnaeus)
Smith & Heppell: Macoma balthica (L., 1758)
Tellinoidea Tellinidae
Macoma calcarea (Gmelin, 1791)
Tebble name: n/a
Smith & Heppell: Macoma calcarea (Gmelin, 1791)
Tellinoidea Tellinidae
Macoma loveni Jensen, 1905
Tebble name: n/a
Smith & Heppell: Macoma loveni Jensen, 1905
Tellinoidea Tellinidae
Macoma moesta (Deshayes, 1854)
Tebble name: n/a
Smith & Heppell: Macoma moesta Deshayes, 1854
Tellinoidea Tellinidae
Macoma torelli Jensen, 1905
Tebble name: n/a
Smith & Heppell: Macoma torelli Jensen, 1905
Tellinoidea Tellinidae
Tellina (Fabulina) fabula Gmelin, 1791
Tebble name: Tellina (Fabulina) fabula (Gmelin)
Smith & Heppell: Fabulina fabula (Gmelin, 1791)
Tellinoidea Tellinidae
Tellina (Laciolina) incarnata Linnaeus, 1758
Tebble name: Tellina (Laciolina) squalida Montagu
Smith & Heppell: Angulus squalidus (Pulteney, 1799)
Tellinoidea Tellinidae
Tellina (Moerella) donacina Linnaeus, 1758
Tebble name: Tellina (Moerella) donacina (Linnaeus)
Smith & Heppell: Moerella donacina (L., 1758)
Tellinoidea Tellinidae
Tellina (Moerella) pygmaea Lovén, 1846
Tebble name: Tellina (Moerella) pygmaea (Lovén)
Smith & Heppell: Moerella pygmaea (Lovén, 1846)
Tellinoidea Tellinidae
Tellina (Serratina) serrata Brocchi, 1814
Tebble name: n/a
Smith & Heppell: Quadrans serratus (Brocchi, 1814)
Tellinoidea Tellinidae
Tellina tenuis da Costa, 1778
Tebble name: Tellina tenuis (da Costa)
Smith & Heppell: Angulus tenuis (da Costa, 1778)
Tellinoidea Tellinidae
Cochlodesma praetenue (Pulteney, 1799)
Tebble name: Cochlodesma praetenue (Pulteney)
Smith & Heppell: Cochlodesma praetenue (Pulteney, 1799)
Thracioidea Periplomatidae
Cochlodesma tenerum Fischer 1882
Tebble name: n/a
Smith & Heppell: Cochlodesma tenerum (Jeffreys, 1880)
Thracioidea Periplomatidae
Thracia convexa (W Wood, 1815)
Tebble name: Thracia convexa (W Wood)
Smith & Heppell: Thracia convexa (W Wood, 1815)
Thracioidea Thraciidae
Thracia distorta (Montagu, 1803)
Tebble name: Thracia distorta (Montagu)
Smith & Heppell: Thracia distorta (Montagu, 1803)
Thracioidea Thraciidae
Thracia gracilis Jeffreys, 1865
Tebble name: n/a
Smith & Heppell: n/a
Thracioidea Thraciidae
Thracia myopsis Møller, 1842
Tebble name: n/a
Smith & Heppell: Thracia myopsis (Møller, 1842)
Thracioidea Thraciidae
Thracia phaseolina (Lamarck, 1818)
Tebble name: Thracia phaseolina (Lamarck)
Smith & Heppell: Thracia phaseolina (Lamarck, 1818)
Thracioidea Thraciidae
Thracia pubescens (Pulteney, 1799)
Tebble name: Thracia pubescens (Pulteney)
Smith & Heppell: Thracia pubescens (Pulteney, 1799) 1799)
Thracioidea Thraciidae
Thracia villosiuscula (Macgillivray, 1827)
Tebble name: Thracia villosiuscula (Macgillivray)
Smith & Heppell: Thracia villosiuscula (Macgillivray, 1827)
Thracioidea Thraciidae
Adontorhina keegani Barry & McCormack, 2007
Tebble name: n/a
Smith & Heppell: n/a
Thyasiroidea Thyasiridae
Adontorhina similis Barry & McCormack 2007
Tebble name: n/a
Smith & Heppell: Thyasira pygmaea (Verrill & Bush, 1898)
Thyasiroidea Thyasiridae
Axinopsida orbiculata (G O Sars, 1878)
Tebble name: n/a
Smith & Heppell: Axinopsida orbiculata (G O Sars, 1878)
Thyasiroidea Thyasiridae
Axinulus brevis (Verrill & Bush, 1898)
Tebble name: n/a
Smith & Heppell: Axinulus brevis Verrill & Bush, 1898
Thyasiroidea Thyasiridae
Axinulus croulinensis (Jeffreys, 1847)
Tebble name: Thyasira croulinensis (Jeffreys)
Smith & Heppell: Axinulus croulinensis (Jeffreys, 1847)
Thyasiroidea Thyasiridae
Axinus grandis (Verrill & Smith 1885)
Tebble name: n/a
Smith & Heppell: Axinus grandis (Verrill, 1885)
Thyasiroidea Thyasiridae
Genaxinus eumyarius (M Sars, 1870)
Tebble name: n/a
Smith & Heppell: Thyasira eumyaria (M Sars, 1870)
Thyasiroidea Thyasiridae
Leptaxinus incrassatus (Jeffreys, 1876)
Tebble name: n/a
Smith & Heppell: Thyasira incrassata (Jeffreys, 1876)
Thyasiroidea Thyasiridae
Mendicula ferruginosa (Forbes, 1844)
Tebble name: Thyasira ferruginea Winckworth
Smith & Heppell: Thyasira ferruginea (Locard, 1886)
Thyasiroidea Thyasiridae
Parathyasira granulosa (Monterosato, 1874)
Tebble name: n/a
Smith & Heppell: Thyasira granulosa (Monterosato, 1874)
Thyasiroidea Thyasiridae
Parathyasira subcircularis (Payne & Allen 1991)
Tebble name: n/a
Smith & Heppell: n/a
Thyasiroidea Thyasiridae
Thyasira (Thyasira) flexuosa (Montagu, 1803)
Tebble name: Thyasira flexuosa (Montagu)
Smith & Heppell: Thyasira flexuosa (Montagu, 1803)
Thyasiroidea Thyasiridae
Thyasira (Thyasira) gouldi (Philippi, 1845)
Tebble name: n/a
Smith & Heppell: Thyasira gouldi (Philippi, 1845)
Thyasiroidea Thyasiridae
Thyasira (Thyasira) sarsi (Philippi, 1845)
Tebble name: n/a
Smith & Heppell: Thyasira sarsi (Philippi, 1845)
Thyasiroidea Thyasiridae
Thyasira biplicata (Philippi, 1836)
Tebble name: n/a
Smith & Heppell: n/a
Thyasiroidea Thyasiridae
Thyasira dunbari Lubinsky, 1976
Tebble name: n/a
Smith & Heppell: n/a
Thyasiroidea Thyasiridae
Thyasira equalis (Verrill & Bush, 1898)
Tebble name: n/a
Smith & Heppell: Thyasira equalis Verrill & Bush, 1898
Thyasiroidea Thyasiridae
Thyasira obsoleta (Verrill & Bush, 1898)
Tebble name: n/a
Smith & Heppell: Thyasira obsoleta (Verill & Bush, 1898)
Thyasiroidea Thyasiridae
Thyasira scotiae Oliver & Drewery, 2014
Tebble name: n/a
Smith & Heppell: n/a
Thyasiroidea Thyasiridae
Thyasira subovata (Jeffreys, 1881)
Tebble name: n/a
Smith & Heppell: Thyasira subovata (Jeffreys, 1881)
Thyasiroidea Thyasiridae
Thyasira succisa (Jeffreys, 1876)
Tebble name: n/a
Smith & Heppell: Thyasira succisa (Jeffreys, 1876)
Thyasiroidea Thyasiridae
Thyasira tortuosa (Jeffreys, 1881)
Tebble name: n/a
Smith & Heppell: Thyasira tortuosa (Jeffreys, 1881)
Thyasiroidea Thyasiridae
Diplodonta rotundata (Montagu, 1803)
Tebble name: Diplodonta rotundata (Montagu)
Smith & Heppell: Diplodonta rotundata (Montagu, 1803)
Ungulinoidea Ungulinidae
Arculus sykesi (Chaster, 1895)
Tebble name: Neolepton sykesi (Chaster)
Smith & Heppell: Arculus sykesi (Chaster, 1895)
Veneroidea Neoleptonidae
Neolepton sp.
Tebble name: n/a
Smith & Heppell: n/a
Veneroidea Neoleptonidae
Neolepton sulcatulum (Jeffreys, 1859)
Tebble name: Neolepton sulcatulum (Jeffreys)
Smith & Heppell: Neolepton sulcatulum (Jeffreys, 1859)
Veneroidea Neoleptonidae
Mysia undata (Pennant, 1777)
Tebble name: Mysia undata (Pennant)
Smith & Heppell: Mysia undata (Pennant, 1777)
Veneroidea Petricolidae
Petricolaria pholadiformis (Lamarck, 1818)
Tebble name: Petricola pholadiformis Lamarck
Smith & Heppell: Petricola pholadiformis Lamarck, 1818
Veneroidea Petricolidae
Turtonia minuta (Fabricius, 1780)
Tebble name: Turtonia minuta (Fabricius)
Smith & Heppell: Turtonia minuta (Fabricius, 1780)
Veneroidea Turtoniidae
Callista chione (Linnaeus, 1758)
Tebble name: Callista chione (Linnaeus)
Smith & Heppell: Callista chione (L., 1758)
Veneroidea Veneridae
Chamelea striatula (da Costa, 1778)
Tebble name: n/a
Smith & Heppell: Chamelea gallina (L., 1758)
Veneroidea Veneridae
Chioneryx pygmaea (Lamarck, 1818)
Tebble name:
Smith & Heppell:
Non native
Veneroidea Veneridae
Clausinella fasciata (da Costa, 1778)
Tebble name: Venus (Clausinella) fasciata (da Costa)
Smith & Heppell: Clausinella fasciata (da Costa, 1778)
Veneroidea Veneridae
Dosinia exoleta (Linnaeus, 1758)
Tebble name: Dosinia exoleta (Linnaeus)
Smith & Heppell: Dosinia exoleta (L., 1758)
Veneroidea Veneridae
Dosinia lupinus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Tebble name: Dosinia lupinus (Linnaeus)
Smith & Heppell: Dosinia lupinus (L., 1758)
Veneroidea Veneridae
Gouldia minima (Montagu, 1803)
Tebble name: Gafrarium (Gouldia) minima (Montagu)
Smith & Heppell: Gouldia minima (Montagu, 1803)
Veneroidea Veneridae
Irus irus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Tebble name: Notirus irus (Linnaeus)
Smith & Heppell: Irus irus (L., 1758)
Veneroidea Veneridae
Mercenaria mercenaria (Linnaeus, 1758)
Tebble name: Venus (Mercenaria) mercenaria (Linnaeus)
Smith & Heppell: Mercenaria mercenaria (L., 1758)
Non native
Veneroidea Veneridae
Tapes (Polititapes) aureus (Gmelin, 1791)
Tebble name: Venerupis aurea (Gmelin)
Smith & Heppell: Tapes aureus (Gmelin, 1791)
Veneroidea Veneridae
Tapes (Polititapes) rhomboides (Pennant, 1777)
Tebble name: Venerupis rhomboides (Pennant)
Smith & Heppell: Tapes rhomboides (Pennant, 1777)
Veneroidea Veneridae
Tapes (Ruditapes) decussatus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Tebble name: Venerupis decussata (Linnaeus)
Smith & Heppell: Tapes decussatus (L., 1758)
Veneroidea Veneridae
Tapes (Ruditapes) philippinarum (Adams & Reeve, 1850)
Tebble name: n/a
Smith & Heppell: Tapes philippinarum (Adams & Reeve, 1850)
Non native
Veneroidea Veneridae
Tapes (Venerupis) corrugata (Gmelin, 1791)
Tebble name: Venerupis pullastra (Montagu)
Smith & Heppell: Venerupis senegalensis (Gmelin, 1791)
Veneroidea Veneridae
Timoclea ovata (Pennant, 1777)
Tebble name: Venus (Timoclea) ovata (Pennant)
Smith & Heppell: Timoclea ovata (Pennant, 1777)
Veneroidea Veneridae
Venus casina Linnaeus, 1758
Tebble name: Venus casina (Linnaeus)
Smith & Heppell: Circomphalus casina (L., 1758)
Veneroidea Veneridae
Venus verrucosa Linnaeus, 1758
Tebble name: Venus verrucosa Linnaeus
Smith & Heppell: Venus verrucosa L.,1758 1758
Veneroidea Veneridae
Cardiomya cadiziana Huber, 2010
Tebble name: n/a
Smith & Heppell: n/a
Verticordioidea Cuspidariidae
Cardiomya costellata (Deshayes, 1835)
Tebble name: Cuspidaria (Cardiomya) costellata (Deshayes)
Smith & Heppell: Cardiomya costellata (Deshayes, 1833)
Verticordioidea Cuspidariidae
Cardiomya knudseni Allen & Morgan, 1981
Tebble name: n/a
Smith & Heppell: n/a
Verticordioidea Cuspidariidae
Cardiomya striata (Jeffreys, 1876)
Tebble name: n/a
Smith & Heppell: Cuspidaria striata (Jeffreys, 1876)
Verticordioidea Cuspidariidae
Cuspidaria cuspidata (Olivi, 1792)
Tebble name: Cuspidaria cuspidata (Olivi)
Smith & Heppell: Cuspidaria cuspidata (Olivi, 1792)
Verticordioidea Cuspidariidae
Cuspidaria glacialis (G O Sars, 1878)
Tebble name: n/a
Smith & Heppell: Cuspidaria glacialis (G O Sars, 1878)
Verticordioidea Cuspidariidae
Cuspidaria lamellosa (GO Sars, 1872)
Tebble name: n/a
Smith & Heppell: Cuspidaria jugosa (S V Wood, 1856)
Verticordioidea Cuspidariidae
Cuspidaria obesa (Lovén, 1846)
Tebble name: n/a
Smith & Heppell: Cuspidaria obesa (Lovén, 1846)
Verticordioidea Cuspidariidae
Cuspidaria parva Verrill & Bush, 1898
Tebble name: n/a
Smith & Heppell: Cuspidaria parva Verrill & Bush, 1898
Verticordioidea Cuspidariidae
Cuspidaria rostrata (Spengler, 1793)
Tebble name: Cuspidaria rostrata (Spengler)
Smith & Heppell: Cuspidaria rostrata (Spengler, 1793)
Verticordioidea Cuspidariidae
Cuspidaria subtorta (G O Sars, 1878)
Tebble name: n/a
Smith & Heppell: Cuspidaria subtorta (G O Sars, 1878)
Verticordioidea Cuspidariidae
Cuspidaria undata Verrill, 1884
Tebble name: n/a
Smith & Heppell: n/a
Verticordioidea Cuspidariidae
Halonympha depressa (Jeffreys 1882)
Tebble name: n/a
Smith & Heppell: n/a
Verticordioidea Cuspidariidae
Halonympha inflata (Jeffreys, 1882)
Tebble name: n/a
Smith & Heppell: Cuspidaria inflata (Jeffreys, 1876)
Verticordioidea Cuspidariidae
Myonera alleni Poutiers & Bernard 1995
Tebble name: n/a
Smith & Heppell: n/a
Verticordioidea Cuspidariidae
Myonera demistriata Allen & Morgan, 1981
Tebble name: n/a
Smith & Heppell: n/a
Verticordioidea Cuspidariidae
Myonera sp.
Tebble name: n/a
Smith & Heppell: n/a
Verticordioidea Cuspidariidae
Myonera sulcifera (Jeffreys, 1882)
Tebble name: n/a
Smith & Heppell: Cuspidaria sulcifera (Jeffreys, 1882)
Verticordioidea Cuspidariidae
Protocuspidaria (Edentaria) simplis Allen & Morgan, 1981
Tebble name: n/a
Smith & Heppell: n/a
Verticordioidea Cuspidariidae
Protocuspidaria atlantica Allen & Morgan, 1981
Tebble name: n/a
Smith & Heppell: Protocuspidaria atlantica Allen & Morgan, 1981
Verticordioidea Cuspidariidae
Protocuspidaria colpodes Dautzenberg & Fischer H 1897
Tebble name: n/a
Smith & Heppell: n/a
Verticordioidea Cuspidariidae
Pseudoneara truncata Jeffreys, 1882
Tebble name: n/a
Smith & Heppell: n/a
Verticordioidea Cuspidariidae
Rhinoclama notabilis (Jeffreys, 1876)
Tebble name: n/a
Smith & Heppell: n/a
Verticordioidea Cuspidariidae
Tropidomya abbreviata (Forbes, 1843)
Tebble name: Cuspidaria (Tropidomya) abbreviata (Forbes)
Smith & Heppell: Cuspidaria abbreviata (Forbes, 1843)
Verticordioidea Cuspidariidae
Halicardia flexuosa (Verrill & Smith, 1881)
Tebble name: n/a
Smith & Heppell: Halicardia flexuosa (Verrill, 1881)
Verticordioidea Verticordiidae
Lyonsiella abyssicola G O Sars, 1872
Tebble name: n/a
Smith & Heppell: Lyonsiella abyssicola (G O Sars, 1872)
Verticordioidea Verticordiidae
Lyonsiella subquadrata (Jeffreys, 1882)
Tebble name: n/a
Smith & Heppell: Lyonsiella subquadrata (Jeffreys, 1881)
Verticordioidea Verticordiidae
Policordia atlantica Allen & Turner, 1974
Tebble name:
Smith & Heppell:
Verticordioidea Verticordiidae
Policordia densicostata (Locard, 1898)
Tebble name: n/a
Smith & Heppell: Policordia densicostata (Locard, 1898)
Verticordioidea Verticordiidae
Policordia gemma (Verrill, 1880)
Tebble name: n/a
Smith & Heppell: Policordia gemma (Verrill, 1880)
Verticordioidea Verticordiidae
Policordia jeffreysi (Friele, 1879)
Tebble name: n/a
Smith & Heppell: Policordia jeffreysi (Friele, 1879)
Verticordioidea Verticordiidae
Spinosipella acuticostata (Philippi, 1844)
Tebble name: n/a
Smith & Heppell: n/a
Verticordioidea Verticordiidae
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