Taxon Account

Craticula cuspidata (Kützing) D.G.Mann; 1990; 666


Frustulia cuspidata Kützing 1833
Navicula cuspidata (Kützing) Kützing 1844

Key references

Schmid A.-M. M. 1979. Influence of Environmental Factors on the Development of the Valve in Diatoms. Protoplasma. 99: 99-115.

Mann D.G., Stickle A.J. 1991. The genus Craticula. Diatom Research. 6(1): 79-107.

Cox E.J. 1998. The identity and typification of some naviculoid diatoms (Bacillariophyta) from freshwater or brackish habitats. Phycologia. 37(3): 162-175.


Valves lanceolate with weakly protracted cuneate ends.

Isopolar, bilaterally symmetrical.

Cells polymorphic with two internal valves formed during resting spore formation: Craticulae with raphe sternum and irregular, distantly spaced wide bars, and Heribaudii valves, formed inside the craticular valves, with radiate striae.

Frustules of the vegetative cells with parallel striae, evenly spaced, and areolae aligned in longitudinal and transverse rows. Striae slightly convergent toward valve ends.

Raphe sternum narrow, slightly widened in valve centre. Raphe filiform with proximal raphe ends bent to primary side of valve.

SEM morphology
Externally areolae round or elongate opening into grooves between longitudinal ribs. Internally areolae occluded by hymenes.


References are given in chronological order.

Schmid A.-M. M. 1979. Influence of Environmental Factors on the Development of the Valve in Diatoms. Protoplasma. 99: 99-115. Biology; Morphology; Illustrations;
Cohn S.A., Spurck T.P., Pickett-Heaps J.D., Edgar L.A. 1989. Perizonium and initial valve formation in the diatom Navicula cuspidata (Bacillariophyceae). Journal of Phycology. 25: 15-26. Biology
Pickett-Heaps J.D., Schmid A.-M.M., Edgar L.A. 1990. The cell biology of diatom valve formation. Progress in Phycological Research. 7: 1-168. Biology
Mann D.G., Stickle A.J. 1991. The genus Craticula. Diatom Research. 6(1): 79-107. Morphology; Illustrations; Biology; Taxonomy
Cox E.J. 1998. The identity and typification of some naviculoid diatoms (Bacillariophyta) from freshwater or brackish habitats. Phycologia. 37(3): 162-175. Morphology; Type Illustration; Taxonomy
Cohn S.A., McGuire J.R. 2000. Using diatom motility as an indicator of environmental stress: effects of toxic sediment elutriates. Diatom Research. 15(1): 19-29. Biology
Levkov Z., Tofilovska S., Mitić-Kopanja D. 2016. Species of the diatom genus Craticula Grunow (Bacillariophyceae) from Macedonia. Contributions, Section of Natural, Mathematical and Biotechnical Sciences. 37(2): 129-165. Morphology; Taxonomy; Illustrations; Ecology
This page should be cited as:

Carter C. F., Mann D. G., Jüttner I., Ector L. Craticula cuspidata (Kützing) D.G.Mann; 1990; 666. In: Jüttner I., Carter C., Cox E.J., Ector L., Jones V., Kelly M.G., Kennedy B., Mann D.G., Turner J. A., Van de Vijver B., Wetzel C.E., Williams D.M.. Freshwater Diatom Flora of Britain and Ireland. Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales. Available online at [Accessed:  ].
Record last modified: 27/12/2020