Taxon Account

Amphora Ehrenberg ex Kützing; 1844; 107

Key references

Levkov Z. 2009. Amphora sensu lato. Lange-Bertalot H. (ed.) Diatoms of Europe: Diatoms of the European Inland Waters and Comparable Habitats. Vol. 5., A.R.G. Gantner Verlag K.G., Ruggell. 916 pp

Stepanek J.G., Kociolek J.P. 2018. Amphora and Halamphora from coastal and inland waters of the United States and Japan. Bibliotheca Diatomologica 66. 260 pp

Stepanek J.G., Kociolek J.P. 2019. Molecular phylogeny of the diatom genera Amphora and Halamphora (Bacillariophyta) with a focus on morphological and ecological evolution. Journal of Phycology


Cells solitary, moderately or strongly dorsiventral, semi-elliptical, semi-lanceolate or semi-linear in valve view, with bluntly rounded to rostrate ends. In girdle view frustules are elliptical to almost rectangular with broadly rounded to truncate ends. Valve mantle deeper on dorsal margin than on ventral margin, marginal ridge often present at junction of valve face and dorsal margin.

Striae uniseriate, with round, elliptical or transapically elongate areolae, sometimes complex and chambered (loculate); often interrupted by a transapical plain (‘hyaline’) area at the centre (fascia) and/or by straight or curved longitudinal plain strips; dorsal striae usually radial or parallel throughout; ventral striae short, usually radial towards the centre but convergent towards the poles.

Axial area narrow to broad. Central area often expanded and sometimes forming a broad transapical band (fascia), often differently developed on the ventral and dorsal sides of the valve; or, there may be an independent plain area on the dorsal side, separated from the central area by a few areolae.

Raphe eccentric, closer to the ventral margin and often appearing to be positioned on a raised ledge; straight, or slightly or strongly arched towards the dorsal side; external central raphe endings straight or curved or bent towards the dorsal side; internal central endings straight, often ending in and linked by a small ridge; terminal fissures bent towards the dorsal side.

Bands open, plain or porous, several per theca (but usually less than in Halamphora) much wider on the dorsal side than on the ventral side. One complex chloroplast per cell, with its apically constricted centre lying against the ventral side of the girdle, from which several lobes extend across beneath the valves to the dorsal side of the girdle.

Solitary, free-living or attached via the ventral side.


References are given in chronological order.

Kützing F.T. 1844. Die Kieselschaligen Bacillarien oder Diatomeen. Fr. Fritsch, Nordhausen. 152 pp; 30 pls Description; Morphology; Taxonomy
Levkov Z. 2009. Amphora sensu lato. Lange-Bertalot H. (ed.) Diatoms of Europe: Diatoms of the European Inland Waters and Comparable Habitats. Vol. 5., A.R.G. Gantner Verlag K.G., Ruggell. 916 pp Morphology; Ecology; Taxonomy; Description;
Stepanek J.G., Kociolek J. P. 2013. Several new species of Amphora and Halamphora from the western USA. Diatom Research. 28(1): 61-76. Morphology; Taxonomy; Illustrations
Sato S., Tamotsu N., Mann D.G. 2013. Morphology and life history of Amphora commutata (Bacillariophyta) I: the vegetative cell and phylogenetic position. Phycologia. 52(3): 225-238. Morphology; Biology; Illustrations
Stepanek J.G., Kociolek J.P. 2018. Amphora and Halamphora from coastal and inland waters of the United States and Japan. Bibliotheca Diatomologica 66. 260 pp Morphology; Taxonomy; Illustrations;
Stepanek J.G., Kociolek J.P. 2019. Molecular phylogeny of the diatom genera Amphora and Halamphora (Bacillariophyta) with a focus on morphological and ecological evolution. Journal of Phycology Morphology; Taxonomy; Biology; Illustrations; Ecology
This page should be cited as:

Mann D. G., Jüttner I. Amphora Ehrenberg ex Kützing; 1844; 107. In: Jüttner I., Carter C., Cox E.J., Ector L., Jones V., Kelly M.G., Kennedy B., Mann D.G., Turner J. A., Van de Vijver B., Wetzel C.E., Williams D.M.. Freshwater Diatom Flora of Britain and Ireland. Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales. Available online at [Accessed:  ].

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Record last modified: 27/12/2020