Taxon Account

Adlafia Lange-Bertalot in Moser et al.; 1998; 87-89

Key references

Moser G., Lange-Bertalot H., Metzeltin D. 1998. Insel der Endemiten Geobotanisches Phänomen Neukaledonien (Island of endemics New Caledonia - a geobotanical phenomenon). 38. Bibliotheca Diatomologica. 464 pp


Cells linear, linear-lanceolate or elliptical, often with rostrate or subcapitate apices, more often lying in valve view.

Isovalvar, isopolar, bilaterally symmetrical.

Striae uniseriate, dense (often difficult to resolve in LM), clearly radiate and abruptly convergent towards the valve ends, striae extending onto the mantle. Areolae very small, round, occluded by fine pore plates (hymenes) at their external apertures.

Axial area narrow, width of central area variable but not extending to the valve margins.

Raphe almost straight or curving slightly towards one side (the primary side) at the centre, external central raphe endings not or slightly expanded, internal central endings bent towards the same (primary) side, terminal fissures deflected to one side (in the opposite direction to the central endings, i.e. towards the secondary side).


References are given in chronological order.

Kociolek J.P., Reviers B. 1996. The diatom types of Emile Manguin. II. Validating descriptions and designations of types for the New Caledonia species. Cryptogamie Algologie. 17: 193-215. Taxonomy
Moser G., Lange-Bertalot H., Metzeltin D. 1998. Insel der Endemiten Geobotanisches Phänomen Neukaledonien (Island of endemics New Caledonia - a geobotanical phenomenon). 38. Bibliotheca Diatomologica. 464 pp Morphology; Taxonomy; Description; Illustrations
Lange-Bertalot H. 2001. Navicula sensu stricto, 10 genera seperated from Navicula sensu lato, Frustulia. 2. Lange-Bertalot H. (ed.), Diatoms of Europe, Diatoms of the European Inland waters and comparable habitats. A.R.G. Gantner Verlag K.G., Ruggell. 526 pp Morphology; Illustrations
This page should be cited as:

Cox E. J., Jones V., Mann D. G. Adlafia Lange-Bertalot in Moser et al.; 1998; 87-89. In: Jüttner I., Carter C., Cox E.J., Ector L., Jones V., Kelly M.G., Kennedy B., Mann D.G., Turner J. A., Van de Vijver B., Wetzel C.E., Williams D.M.. Freshwater Diatom Flora of Britain and Ireland. Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales. Available online at [Accessed:  ].

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Record last modified: 27/12/2020