Taxon Account

Brachysira Kützing; 1836; 3

Key references

Round F.E., Mann D.G. 1981. The diatom genus Brachysira. I. Typification and separation from Anomoeoneis. Archiv für Protistenkunde. 124: 221-231.

Lange-Bertalot H., Moser G. 1994. Brachysira. Monographie der Gattung. Bibliotheca Diatomologica 29. J. Cramer, Berlin. 212 pp

Kennedy B., Allott N. 2017. A review of the genus Brachysira in Ireland with the description of Brachysira praegeri and Brachysira conamarae, new raphid diatoms (Bacillariophyceae) from high status waterbodies. Phytotaxa. 326: 1-27.

Kennedy B. 2021. Taxonomy and ecology of epilithic diatoms in Irish Lakes. PhD thesis, Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin. 329 pp.


Valves, linear, linear-lanceolate, rhombic or with undulate valve margins, with rounded, cuneate or protracted ends, the latter can be rostrate, subcapitate or capitate.

Isopolar, some some species heteropolar, bilaterally symmetrical.

External valve surface can be ornament with warts. A siliceous ridge or hyaline area along the valve margin separates valve face and mantle (visible in the SEM).

Narrow, linear axial area, central area varies considerably in size, indistinct, rounded, apically elongate, or rhombic.

Raphe located on both valves, externally with longitudinal ribs, distal fissures sometime ending in T-shaped depression, over which a silica flap can extend.

Striae uniseriate, punctate, with transapically elongated areolae, sometimes forming longitudinal, undulating lines.

Cells possess one plastid.


References are given in chronological order.

Kützing F.T. 1836. Algarum aquae dulcis germanicarum decas XVI. pp. Halis Saxonum, Halle. 151-160. Description; Morphology; Taxonomy
Round F.E., Mann D.G. 1981. The diatom genus Brachysira. I. Typification and separation from Anomoeoneis. Archiv für Protistenkunde. 124: 221-231. Morphology; Taxonomy; Description;
Lange-Bertalot H., Moser G. 1994. Brachysira. Monographie der Gattung. Bibliotheca Diatomologica 29. J. Cramer, Berlin. 212 pp Morphology; Taxonomy; Type Illustration; Illustrations;
Shayler H. A., Siver P. A. 2004. Description of a new species of the diatom genus Brachysira (Bacillariophyta), Brachysira gravida sp. nov. from the Ocala National Forest, Florida, U.S.A. Nova Hedwigia. 78(3-4): 399-409. Type Illustration; Description
Metzeltin D., Lange-Bertalot H. 2007. Tropical diatoms of South America II. Special remarks on biogeography disjunction. Iconographia Diatomologica, Vol. 18., Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Diversity-Taxonomy-Biogeography. H. Lange-Bertalot (ed.), A.R.G. Gantner Verlag K.G. 877 pp Morphology; Type Illustration; Taxonomy; Illustrations; Description
Van De Vijver B. 2014. Analysis of the type material of Navicula brachysira Brébisson with the description of Brachysira sandrae, a new raphid diatom (Bacillariophyceae) from Iles Kerguelen (TAAF, sub-Antarctica, southern Indian Ocean). Phytotaxa. 184(3): 139-147. Type Illustration; Morphology; Taxonomy; Description
Kennedy B., Allott N. 2017. A review of the genus Brachysira in Ireland with the description of Brachysira praegeri and Brachysira conamarae, new raphid diatoms (Bacillariophyceae) from high status waterbodies. Phytotaxa. 326: 1-27. Morphology; Ecology; Taxonomy; Description; Illustrations; Type Illustration
Kennedy B. 2021. Taxonomy and ecology of epilithic diatoms in Irish Lakes. PhD thesis, Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin. 329 pp. Morphology; Ecology; Taxonomy; Illustrations;
This page should be cited as:

Jüttner I. Brachysira Kützing; 1836; 3. In: Jüttner I., Carter C., Cox E.J., Ector L., Jones V., Kelly M.G., Kennedy B., Mann D.G., Turner J. A., Van de Vijver B., Wetzel C.E., Williams D.M.. Freshwater Diatom Flora of Britain and Ireland. Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales. Available online at [Accessed:  ].

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Record last modified: 27/12/2020