Taxon Account

Tabellaria flocculosa (Roth) Kützing; 1844; 127

Key references

Heudre D., Wetzel C.E., Lange-Bertalot H., Van de Vijver B., Moreau L., Ector L. 2021. A review of Tabellaria species from freshwater environments in Europe. Fottea. 21(2): 180-205.


Valve linear with a central inflation wider than the spatulate ends, frustules rectangular in girdle view.

Isopolar, bilaterally symmetrical.

Slightly radiate at the valve centre becoming parallel in the narrow section of the valve and near the pore fields.

Axial area
Very narrow, linear ore irregular.

Central area
Small rhombic or irregular, sometimes indistinct.

SEM morphology
Uniseriate stria with round external areola openings.

Large pore fields at both poles.

One rimoportula in centrally inflated part of valve.

Small spines can be present along valve margin.

Cingulum composed of two to many closed bands with large septa.


References are given in chronological order.

Roth A.W. 1797. Catalecta Botanica (Quibus plantae novae et minus cognitae describuntur atque illustrantur). Fasc. 1. Lipseae. 244 pp. Taxonomy
Kützing F.T. 1844. Die Kieselschaligen Bacillarien oder Diatomeen. Fr. Fritsch, Nordhausen. 152 pp; 30 pls Description; Illustrations; Morphology
Knudson B.M. 1952. The diatom genus Tabellaria. I. Taxonomy and Morphology. Annals of Botany, new series. 16(63): 421-440. Taxonomy; Morphology; Type Illustration; Biology; Ecology
Knudson B.M. 1953. The diatom genus Tabellaria. II. Taxonomy and morphology of the plankton varieties. Annals of Botany. 17(65): 131-155. Morphology; Taxonomy
Knudson B.M. 1953. The diatom genus Tabellaria. III. Problems of infraspecific taxonomy and evolution in T. flocculosa. Annals of Botany. 17: 597-609. Taxonomy; Illustrations; Morphology; Biology
Koppen J.D. 1975. A morphological and taxonomic consideration of Tabellaria from the northcentral United States. Journal of Phycology. 11: 236-244. Morphology; Taxonomy
Krammer K., Lange-Bertalot H. 1991. Süßwasserflora Mitteleuropas. Bacillariophyceae. 3. Teil. Centrales, Fragilariaceae, Eunotiaceae. Eds Ettl H., Gerloff J., Heynig H., Mollenhauer D., Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart. 576 pp Morphology; Illustrations
Heudre D., Wetzel C.E., Lange-Bertalot H., Van de Vijver B., Moreau L., Ector L. 2021. A review of Tabellaria species from freshwater environments in Europe. Fottea. 21(2): 180-205. Morphology; Taxonomy; Type Illustration

Similar Species

Similar species not published on this website:

Tabellaria flocculosa var. andina Lange-Bertalot; 1993; 160-161

This page should be cited as:

Jüttner I. Tabellaria flocculosa (Roth) Kützing; 1844; 127. In: Jüttner I., Carter C., Cox E.J., Ector L., Jones V., Kelly M.G., Kennedy B., Mann D.G., Turner J. A., Van de Vijver B., Wetzel C.E., Williams D.M.. Freshwater Diatom Flora of Britain and Ireland. Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales. Available online at [Accessed:  ].

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Record last modified: 17/12/2021