Taxon Account

Sellaphora saugerresii (Desm.) C.E.Wetzel & D.G.Mann; 2015; 209

Key references

Wetzel C.E., Ector L., Van de Vijver B., Compère P., Mann D.G. 2015. Morphology, typification and critical analysis of some ecologically important small naviculoid species (Bacillariophyta). Fottea. 15(2): 203-234.


Length 7.5-17 µm, width 3.2-3.9 µm (UK population), length 6.5-11.0 µm, width 3.3-3.8 µm (Wetzel et al. 2015).

Valves linear-lanceolate with rounded poles, frustules rectangular in girdle view.


Some striae more or less parallel, others weakly radiate, 20 in 10 µm (UK population), 21-22 in 10 µm (Wetzel et al. 2015).

Axial area
Narrow linear, slightly widening towards central area.

Central area
Large rectangular subfascia, bordered by 2-3 short striae of different length.

SEM morphology
Striae biseriate, rarely uniseriate, areolae occluded internally by hymenes.

Raphe with drop-shaped proximal ends located distantly from each other, distal raphe fissures bent unilaterally onto mantle.

Internally a round depression is present at the valve apices.


References are given in chronological order.

Desmazières J.B.H.T. 1858. Navicula saugerri Desmazières. Plantes cryptogames de France. Ed. 2(2), fasc. 11-12, n°506. Taxonomy; Description
Wetzel C.E., Ector L., Van de Vijver B., Compère P., Mann D.G. 2015. Morphology, typification and critical analysis of some ecologically important small naviculoid species (Bacillariophyta). Fottea. 15(2): 203-234. Morphology; Taxonomy; Type Illustration;
Barragán C., Ector L., Wetzel C.E. 2017. Mayamaea petersenii sp. nov., a new diatom from European aerial habitats and a brief appraisal on the morphological diversity of the genus. Algological Studies. 153: 71-87. Illustrations
Peeters V., Ector L. 2019. Atlas des diatomées des cours d'eau du territoire bourguignon. Vol. 3. Naviculacées partie 1. Adlafia, Amphipleura, Aneumastus, Anomoeoneis, Berkeleya, Biremis, Brachysira, Caloneis, Cavinula, Chamaepinnularia, Craticula, Diadesmis, Eolimna, Fallacia, Fistulifera, Geissleria, Gyrosigma, Hippodonta, Humidophila, Luticola, Mayamaea, Microcostatus, Neidiomorpha, Neidium, Nupela, Playaensis, Pseudofallacia, Sellaphora. Direction Régionale de l'Environnement, de l'Aménagement et du Logement Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, Dijon. 324 pp. Morphology; Illustrations

Similar Species

Similar species not published on this website:

Mayamaea petersenii Barragán, Ector & Wetzel; 2017; 77

Sellaphora crassulexigua (E.Reichardt) C.E.Wetzel & Ector; 2015; 213

This page should be cited as:

Jüttner I., Mann D.G., Wetzel C.E., Ector L., Van de Vijver B. Sellaphora saugerresii (Desm.) C.E.Wetzel & D.G.Mann; 2015; 209. In: Jüttner I., Carter C., Cox E.J., Ector L., Jones V., Kelly M.G., Kennedy B., Mann D.G., Turner J. A., Van de Vijver B., Wetzel C.E., Williams D.M.. Freshwater Diatom Flora of Britain and Ireland. Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales. Available online at [Accessed:  ].

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Record last modified: 27/12/2020