Taxon Account

Hippodonta pseudacceptata (H. Kobayasi) Lange-Bertalot in Lange-Bertalot et al.; 1996; 263


Hippodonta pumila Lange-Bertalot et al. in Metzeltin et al. 2009

Key references

Blanco S., Van de Vijver B., Vinocur A., Mataloni G., Gomà J., Novais M.H., Ector L. 2012. Hippodonta lange-bertalotii Van de Vijver, Mataloni & Vinocur sp. nov. and related small-celled Hippodonta taxa. Nova Hedwigia Beiheft. 141: 39-52.


10-15 µm long, 3-5 µm wide (Blanco et al. 2012); 10.5-12.5 µm long, 3-4 µm wide (UK population).

Valves linear-elliptic to linear-rhombic with non- or hardly protracted rounded ends.

Isopolar, bilaterally symmetrical.

Striae slightly radiate in central part of valve, becoming parallel towards apices, 15-21 in 10 µm (Blanco et al. 2012), 20 in 10 µm UK population). Areolae not discernible in LM.

Axial area
Narrow, linear.

Central area
Rectangular, transapically extended, sometimes asymmetrical, bordered by two shortened central striae.

Raphe straight, filiform; central raphe endings positioned close to each other.

SEM morphology
Distal raphe endings not or slightly undulating and deflected.

Striae uniseriate with slit-like mostly apically, sometimes transapically elongated external areola openings.


References are given in chronological order.

Kobayasi H., Mayama S. 1986. Navicula pseudacceptata sp. nov. and validation of Stauroneis japonica H. Kob. Diatom. 2: 95-101. Morphology; Taxonomy; Description; Type Illustration
Blanco S., Van de Vijver B., Vinocur A., Mataloni G., Gomà J., Novais M.H., Ector L. 2012. Hippodonta lange-bertalotii Van de Vijver, Mataloni & Vinocur sp. nov. and related small-celled Hippodonta taxa. Nova Hedwigia Beiheft. 141: 39-52. Morphology; Taxonomy; Illustrations; Ecology;
This page should be cited as:

Jüttner I., Van de Vijver B. Hippodonta pseudacceptata (H. Kobayasi) Lange-Bertalot in Lange-Bertalot et al.; 1996; 263. In: Jüttner I., Carter C., Cox E.J., Ector L., Jones V., Kelly M.G., Kennedy B., Mann D.G., Turner J. A., Van de Vijver B., Wetzel C.E., Williams D.M.. Freshwater Diatom Flora of Britain and Ireland. Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales. Available online at [Accessed:  ].

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Record last modified: 20/12/2023