*Images in development
Robust shells with distinct, external, radial sculpture of riblets, ribs or plications, ctenolium present
Thin to fragile glassy shells if radial sculpture present then ctenolium absent (mostly deep water)
One valve flat, the other convex
18-20 low weakly developed ribs (alien on stranded marine litter)
Euvola ziczac
Radial sculpture weak or very fine
Radial sculpture of distinct ribs or undulations
Shell with commarginal undulations and very fine radial striations (bathyal/abyssal)
Shell lacking commarginal undulations
Radial sculpture distinct, riblets present of the right valve ear (Atlantic Margin)
Hyalopecten pudicus
Sculpture the same on both valves, up to 50 smooth riblets, some shells becoming undulated.
Palliolum tigerinum
Sculpture on left valve stronger, up to 70 fine riblets bearing raised scales
Palliolum striatum
Radial sculpture plicate (undulations) with or without underlying radial riblets
Radial sculpture of ribs or riblets only
Sculpture of primary ribs and radial striations
Sculpture of primary ribs and secondary smaller riblets
Sculpture of 19-22 ribs, ears subequal
Sculpture of 25-35 narrow ribs bearing flattened spines, easrs very unequal
Disc elongate with up to 50 ribs of uneven size, becoming distorted and cemented after 10-20mm
Talochlamys pusio
Disc subcircular shell not distorted or cemented
Shell with distinct primary (c.15) and secondary ribs and riblets (to 45) shelf edge/ bathyal
Karnekampia sulcata
Primary and secondary ribles of similar size, to 140 in large shells (boreal/arctic)
Chlamys islandica
Glassy shells with antimarginal sculpture and commarginal rows of small vesicles (shelf edge/bathyal)
Delectopecten vitreus
Commarginal ridges or undulations present
Antimarginal sculpture present on at least part of a valve