This website is a work in progress and only a small proportion of taxa have been added so far. Please also use our colleagues’ publications for your identifications.
Updates will also be posted on:
Date | Update |
20/01/2025 | The following taxa were uploaded: Brachysira elisabethiana, Gomphonema graciledictum, Halamphora normanii, Halamphora subturgida. |
16/12/2024 | The following taxa were uploaded: Staurosirella crux, Staurosirella minutissima, Staurosirella mutabilis, Epithemia smithii. |
24/08/2024 | The following taxa were uploaded: the genus Staurosira, Staurosira binodis, Staurosira construens, the types of Staurosira exigua and Staurosira tabellaria, and Staurosira venter. |
03/04/2024 | The following taxa were uploaded: the types of Cymatopleura elliptica, Fragilaria deformis, Fragilariforma virescens, and Gomphonema naviculoides, and Eunotia arcubus, E. botuliformis, and Planothidium incuriatum. |
20/12/2023 | The following taxa were uploaded: the genus Hippodonta, Hippodonta capitata, Hippodonta coxiae, Hippodonta pseudacceptata, Navicula digitoconvergens and Navicula eidrigiana. |
09/12/2022 | The following taxa were uploaded: Cymbella dorsenotata, Cymbella subtruncata, Encyonema hebridicum, Encyonopsis cesatii, Eunotia minor, Eunotia minutula, Eunotia tetraodon, Fragilariforma constricta, Frustulia saxonica and Ulnaria capitata. |
07/12/2022 | The following taxa were uploaded: Achnanthidium sieminskae, Cymatopleura hibernica, Cymatopleura solea, Fallacia vitrea, Reimeria ovata, and new images were added for Frustulia crassinervia. |
21/10/2022 | The following taxa were uploaded: Cocconeis neothumensis, Cocconeis pseudothumensis, Planothidium dubium, Staurosirella leptostauron and Staurosirella subrobusta. |
14/10/2022 | The following taxa were uploaded: Cavinula variostriata, Eunotia microcephala, Eunotia serra, Gomphonema coronatum, Navicula oblonga, additional LM images of Reimeria uniseriata, and SEM images of Achnanthidium trinode and Nitzschia sinuata var. sinuata. |
11/07/2022 | The following taxa were uploaded: Surirella crumena, Surirella minuta, Surirella pinnata (type), Surirella subsalsa (type). |
07/07/2022 | The following taxa were uploaded: Brachysira praegeri, Gomphonema rhombicum, Gomphonema tergestinum, the genus Tetracyclus, Tetracyclus emarginatus, Tetracyclus glans. |
17/01/2022 | The following taxa were uploaded: Cavinula cocconeiformis, Cavinula jaernefeltii, Fallacia lenzii, Nitzschia archibaldii. |
22/12/2021 | The following taxa were uploaded: Fragilaria battarbeeana, Fragilaria ennerdalensis, Fragilaria pararumpens and Tabellaria hercynica. |
29/09/2021 | The following taxa were uploaded: Encyonema perpusillum, Encyonopsis horticola, the genus Microcostatus, Microcostatus krasskei, Psammothidium helveticum, Psammothidium lauenburgianum and Psammothidium levanderi. |
18/08/2021 | The following taxa were uploaded: Encyonema latens, Odontidium mesodon, Psammothidium lacus-vulcani. More LM, SEM and live images were added for Gomphonema lateripunctatum, and more live images were added for the genus Cymbella, Cymbella tumida and Gomphonema italicum. |
22/04/2021 | The following taxa were uploaded: the genus Cyclostephanos, Cyclostephanos dubius, the genus Stephanodiscus, Stephanodiscus hantzschii, Amphora macedoniensis, Eunotia iatrianensis, Gomphonema italicum. |
18/04/2021 | The following taxa were uploaded: the genus Lemnicola, Lemnicola hungarica, Cymbella proxima, Cymbella tumida and Tabularia neofamiliaris. New SEM images were added for Karayevia ploenensis var. gessneri. |
02/04/2021 | The following taxa were uploaded: the genus Staurosirella, Staurosirella martyi, Staurosirella rhomboides, Nitzschia inconspicua. New images were added for Fragilaria gracilis. |
15/02/2021 | The following taxa were uploaded: Semiorbis, Semiorbis hemicyclus, Thalassiosira, Thalassiosira weissflogii. |
22/12/2020 | The following taxa were uploaded: Navicula cryptotenelloides, Navicula densilineolata, Navicula metareichardtiana, Navicula subalpina. |
08/12/2020 | The following taxa were uploaded: Achnanthidium crassum, Eunotia pectinalis, Navicula germainii and Navicula viridula. |
01/09/2020 | The following taxa were uploaded: Achnanthidium sublineare, Navicula angusta, Navicula heimansioides and Nitzschia acidoclinata. |
15/07/2020 | The following taxa were uploaded: Sellaphora atomoides, Sellaphora saugerresii, Psammothidium subatomoides and Diatoma ehrenbergii. |
31/05/2020 | The following taxa were uploaded: the genus Craticula, Craticula accomoda and Craticula cuspidata, and new SEM pictures were added for Nitzschia palea. |
20/05/2020 | The following taxa were uploaded: the genus Ellerbeckia, Ellerbeckia arenaria, Navicula rhynchocephala and Navicula vaneei. |
23/04/2020 | The following taxa were uploaded: Cymbella neocistula, Cymbella subcistula, Eunotia arculus, Eunotia tenella, Navicula trivialis Revision of name: Cymbella excisa Kützing (sensu Krammer 2002) is now Cymbella affinis Kützing |
18/03/2020 | The following taxa were uploaded: Planothidium daui, Planothidium galaicum, Planothidium reichardtii and Planothidium victorii. |
10/12/2019 | The following taxa were uploaded: The genus Tabularia, Tabularia fasciculata, Achnanthidium parallelum and Achnanthidium petersenii. |
12/09/2019 | A glossary section was added to the website with definitions of morphological characters and images in light and electron microscopy. |
19/07/2019 | The following taxa were uploaded: The genus Amphipleura, and Amphipleura pellucida. New SEM images were added for Cymbellonitzschia diluviana and Ulnaria ulna. |
11/04/2019 | Four similar species were added for Sellaphora nigri. |
09/04/2019 | Twelve additional similar species were listed for the following Achnanthidium species: A. eutrophilum, A. lineare, A. minutissimum, A. modestiforme and A. nanum. |
05/04/2019 | The section 'Similar Species' is currently under construction: We are now showing a larger number of similar species for each taxon published on this website including the relevant references, the latter are currently added and therefore incomplete. The' Similar Species' now include taxa that are not shown with images and descriptions on this website and might not occur in Britain and Ireland. |
11/01/2019 | The following taxa were uploaded: Gomphonema vibrio, Surirella lacrimula, Surirella angusta. New SEM images were uploaded for Platessa oblongella and Platessa saxonica. |
12/12/2018 | The following taxa were uploaded: Eunotia paratridentula, Platessa saxonica, Gomphonema sarcophagus. New SEM images were uploaded for Achnanthidium lineare, Achnanthidium modestiforme, Amphora pediculus, Brachysira procera, Encyonema cespitosum and Encyonema neogracile. New live images were uploaded for the genera Fragilaria and Nitzschia. |
24/10/2018 | The following taxa were uploaded: Amphora indistincta, Encyonopsis subminuta, Eunotia faba and Eunotia mucophila. |
28/02/2018 | The following taxa were uploaded: the genera Bacillaria and Platessa; the species Bacillaria paxillifera, Platessa conspicua, Gomphonema exilissimum, Nitzschia tabellaria and Pinnularia grunowii. New SEM images were uploaded for Achnanthidium nanum and A. eutrophilum. New live images were uploaded for the genera Amphora, Melosira, Nitzschia and Surirella. |
27/11/2017 | The following species were uploaded: Eunotia triodon, Fragilaria mesolepta, Fragilaria rumpens and Nitzschia linearis. |
25/10/2017 | The following species were uploaded: Reimeria uniseriata, Achnanthidium neomicrocephalum. New SEM photos were uploaded for Diatoma elongatum, Diatoma moniliforme, Diatoma problematica, Diatoma tenuis, Diatoma vulgaris, Didymosphenia geminata. New live images were uploaded for the genus Diatoma and for Navicula lanceolata and Navicula tripunctata. |
11/08/2017 | The following species were uploaded today: Eunotia seminulum, Brachysira serians and Brachysira wygaschii. New SEM photos were uploaded for Achnanthidium atomoides, Achnanthidium daonense and Ctenophora pulchella. |
11/08/2017 | A workshop on centric diatom species was held at the Environmental Change Research Centre, University College London, on 27 July 2017. We started investigations on selected species which are common in lakes using archive material held at the Department of Geography. |
21/04/2017 | Several new live photographs taken by Chris Carter have been added for the genera Asterionella, Cymatopleura, Encyonema, Eunotia, Frustulia, Gomphonema, Navicula, Nitzschia, Pinnularia and Surirella. Additional references are listed for Eunotia, Surirella, Ulnaria, Cyclotella and Didymosphenia. The following species were uploaded today: Eunotia bidentula, E. implicata, E. intermedia, Encyonema brevicapitatum, Frustulia crassinervia, and Navicula cryptocephala. An ecology tab is now present for species for which information has been added. |
21/12/2016 | Launch of the Diatom Flora of Britain and Ireland website with 191 taxa on winter solstice 2016. |